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Call for Sessions

The Assessment for Learning 2021 Call for Sessions is now closed.


Sessions will be selected and released in a flipped format in a series of missions in the months leading up to the May 6-7 Conference. The session prompts reflect conversations we've had with the AFL community over the last six months.


These sessions will be available to the public once they are published. Session creators are also asked to attend the May 6-7 Assessment for Learning Conference to lead one or more live discussion sessions.


Each flipped session consists of a 5-15 minute video, a brief written introduction to frame the video, and one or more links to additional resources. Sessions accepted from teachers, school-based staff, and other crucial voices are eligible for a stipend


March + April Mission


Types of Sessions


The Assessment for Learning Conference is seeking flipped conference sessions to share promising examples of assessment for learning practices & policies to support/improve:


Learner Agency | #StudentAgency


Post-Pandemic Recovery | #LearningFound


State Testing and Accountability | #RethinkAccountability


Social Emotional Learning and Healing | #AssessmentForHealing


Equitable Access to Higher Education | #ReimaginingCollegeAccess


Families as Partners and First Teachers | #AssessmentForFamilies


Culturally Sustaining Learning | #DecolonizeAssessment


Career Relevant Learning | #CareerRelevantAssessment



Curious where these came from?

See our Learning Agenda


Submission Timeline

Session proposals are accepted on a rolling basis until Friday April 2 (extended!)


We will notify you whether your session is accepted within one week of receipt 


Once your session is accepted, the final deadline for submitting your completed session is Wednesday April 23

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A written piece of up to 1500 words that shares an important story, perspective or piece of knowledge. A perfect way to share reflections from an Earthrise Chat you hosted.

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Panel Presentation

A tried and true conference format with slides and 1-4 speakers who share a 10-15 minute pre-recorded narrated slide presentation.

Practitioner How-To

A 10-15 minute video of a teacher or instructional leader explaining how they use a specific assessment for learning practice

or set of practices in a

school or classroom.

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Ignite Talk

A fast-moving five minute talk

with 20 slides that advance automatically every 15 seconds.

Pre-recorded. Click here for more info on this great format.


February Mission

February Mission
Learning Agenda

Stipend Policy

In order to be a more inclusive and powerful movement, we are committed to centering voices that are often marginalized in our education and policy systems. In terms of roles, this includes teachers, school-based staff and students. In terms of race and ethnicity, this includes Black, Indigenous and people of color.


We recognize that one of the barriers to participation is that creation of conference sessions is often not included in your job descriptions, and thus is uncompensated. To partially address this barrier, we have created the following stipend policy:


  • Teachers and school based staff are eligible for a stipend of $250 for a conference session that is accepted and uploaded on time. 

  • The maximum stipend amount for a session is $750 (i.e. three teachers in a session).

  • Individuals who work at non-profits in roles that do not typically involve session preparation are also eligible for a $250 stipend, as are individuals who volunteer in an education-related role (for example, a parent). We are also able to offer discretionary stipends of $250 to help ensure that our session creators better reflect communities that have been marginalized. 

Please Note: Due to a change in fiscal agent, stipends will be available in late March or early April.

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The Assessment for Learning project uses a learning agenda as a way to find common purpose through shared inquiry.


These questions are what we hope to learn, collectively, through AFL 2021. 


We invite you to use them as a launchpad for thinking about your session proposal. Please don't be restricted by them: you are also welcome to address other questions you feel are important!


Mission Accomplished!

We had a great response for our first AFL mission! We will begin releasing these flipped sessions in mid-March. 

GOAL: Five (5) Sessions on these topics:


  • What assessment for learning practices & strategies have been successful in supporting and recognizing learning that connects to students’ family, community, cultural and civic identities and assets?


  • How have accountability processes and relationships adapted in the absence of state test results from spring 2020? What accountability innovations are emerging that more deeply embrace reciprocity?

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© 2020 Assessment for Learning Project

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